> Recognition of the energy efficiency on the Induzir Kilnīs | Induzir - Kilns - Efficiency in Firing
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Recognition of the energy efficiency on the Induzir Kilnīs

On the last 22 of November was held the EDP – Energy and Environment Award 2017 – awards ceremony. Our client Grestel S.A was, from 267 nominations, distinguished in the category Industry. Gestel S.A considers the continuous kiln designed and produced by Induzir, as one of the main responsible for obtaining the excellent results in terms of energy savings.
Induzir congratulates Grestel S.A for this important distinction!  
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PME Lider 2021 PME Excelência 2020 ISO 9001:2015 Compromisso Pagamento Pontual
Induzir - Indústria e Comércio de Equipamentos, Lda.
Zona Industrial da Jardoeira, lote 23
2440-474 Batalha - Portugal
+351 244 769 340 (Cost according to your tariff) geral@induzir.pt