> Ultra-efficient kiln produced for Grestel | Induzir - Kilns - Efficiency in Firing
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Ultra-efficient kiln produced for Grestel

Kiln Grestel

An ultra-efficient continuous kiln which was produced for Grestel is now in operation. It has had excellent results and is expected to save about 25% in energy costs over the existing kiln. Our client combines cutting-edge technology with their experience in the world of craft products, creating ceramics which can be used as ovenware, tableware and kitchenware, with a very original concept as well as high quality, durability and exclusive design.

PME Lider 2021 PME Excelência 2020 ISO 9001:2015 Compromisso Pagamento Pontual
Induzir - Indústria e Comércio de Equipamentos, Lda.
Zona Industrial da Jardoeira, lote 23
2440-474 Batalha - Portugal
+351 244 769 340 (Cost according to your tariff) geral@induzir.pt