> Production of high energy efficient kiln | Induzir - Kilns - Efficiency in Firing
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Production of high energy efficient kiln

At the start of 2016, we signed a supply contract for a high energy-efficient continuous kiln with Grestel, one of the benchmark companies in the kitchenware and decorative ceramics sector. This contract confirms the confidence Grestel has had in our equipment since it started in 1998.

PME Lider 2021 PME Excelência 2020 ISO 9001:2015 Compromisso Pagamento Pontual
Induzir - Indústria e Comércio de Equipamentos, Lda.
Zona Industrial da Jardoeira, lote 23
2440-474 Batalha - Portugal
+351 244 769 340 (Cost according to your tariff) geral@induzir.pt